Friday, November 16, 2007

Revision of Voters ID card in Jalpaiguri

The summary revision of photo electoral roll in Jalpaiguri was supposed to start from 14 November as had been announced by the administration here at an all party-meeting held on 7 November. There is, however, no government official present in the booth till date. The district administration representing the Election Commission will not provide the list of the electorate to the political parties in Jalpaiguri. “It is shameful for us,” said Mr Subhas Bakshi, the general secretary of Jalpaiguri District Congress Committee.

All political parties have been asked to inform the voters about the list, so that they can check their names in the electoral roll. The deadline for enlisting names in the electoral roll was 1 August 2007. The photo identity card of the Election Commission will be distributed between 1 December 2007 and 10 February 2008.

Mr Bakshi said that although some voters have enrolled their names on the list they have no IDs. On top of that, there are many mistakes in the voters IDs, of which the administration should be aware of as it might effect the people adversely, mostly during the Assembly, parliamentary or local civic body elections. Today a meeting was called by Congress at the Jalpaiguri town to inform people to go at their booth with the help of the party workers Mr Bakshi added.

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