Saturday, November 15, 2008

Engg students come up with a diwali gift

The teachers and the students of the Jalpaiguri Engineering College are offering a special Diwali gift in the form of scented candles. Mr Jyotirmay Jhampati, the Principal of the institution said they employed a special technique mixing different flower fragrances like those of Marigold, Tuberose, Rangan, Jasmine with the white wax, available in the market. The candles are available in the markets costing Rs 4 each.

Interestingly, the college authority had employed the jobless tea plantation workers in the production of the special Dewali items. “This programme is being conducted under the community development project. We long to provide the currently unemployed tea workers with an alternative source of income. Having learnt the process these people would themselves produce these candles in future which would support them financially,” added Mr Jhampati.

Mr Khakan Das, one of the umemployed tea plantation worker said the initiative would definitely help people like him to stand on their own feet. “ I think it would be quite popular among the people,” he said.

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